the basic education
Abin Masoud Center for the memorization of the Holy Quran
Moaz bin Jabal Center for Sharia Sciences
University education
program courses for 2022
human development courses
medical courses
Training of Trainers (TOT)
Course program for 2021
Management courses
Academic Training
Accounting Diploma
Professional Master's in Hospital Management
Diploma in family counseling
Professional Master's Degree in Educational Administration
Management Diploma
Courses and courses
legal advice
family counseling
educational consultancy
Academic Consulting
Ahdaf Center for Studies and Research
Scientific Journal
International Conferences
Dar Ahdaf for Publishing and Distribution
Our services
Scientific Research Services
be a coach
Our Memberships
Coach Membership
Trainee Membership
Course program for 2021
Develop personal growth with the goals program for the year 2021
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Successful management skills
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behavioral disorders skills
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Adolescent coping skills
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Public communication skills
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Excellence in the preparation of the field study
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Virtues of the last ten days of Ramadan
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Volunteer work
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Scientific publishing skills
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The techniques of the Word program
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Manuscript investigation skills
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Quran teaching skills for youngsters
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The role of Aqidh in the education of Muslim youth
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metier of dua'at
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Knowledge Industry Plan Program
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omdat al a'ahkam
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How do you choose the title of your dissertation?
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How to choose your University specialization
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Keys to leadership and change
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The role of the purposes of Sharia in the scientific renaissance
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Explanation of the book Noor al-Huda
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IELTS ExamIELTS Exam Preparation Preparation
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Al Arbaein Hadeth Al Nawawyah
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Tabeeyn Al a'ajab fe month of rajab
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Diploma in Family Counseling
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Omdat al ea'atiqad
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Creativity in the numbers of scientific research
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Outstanding teacher skills
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al mogiyah fe al sokot
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maqased al suom
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nasiehat ahlu al hadith
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usol al sunah & al lamyah
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